Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Richard Woodhouse Sr and Family(1899) at Fairford

This Photo was taken in 1899 in the picture is Richard Wood House Sr, and wife and John Thompson Sr, and wife. Also included in the picture is the children of both families


Payzhannakut said...

Are the people of Pinaymootang Odjibwe or Cree? If Cree, do Cree also identify themselves as Anishinabe?

Cyril Shorting said...
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Anonymous said...

Hey Cousin,
Where r u??? been waitin to hear from u but oh too quiet out there. Anything new on the "Rez"??? Too quiet i think, could be all ok I guess. Well that's good if it's good. Eh?

Good archival photos, do you have any pics, more like today? Maybe a nice teepee beside a nice non-polluted river like the "Fairford Creek"?
Call me cousin, u no the number.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Cyril so whats happening in the big city, Have you been able to input any information regarding the Forensic Audit Investigation Report.