Funding to Interlake Reserves Tribal Council and other affiliated service delivery agents within the area. It also includes funding to each particular band within the Tribal Councils mandate of who they serve. Which usually is chiefs within the particular First Nation who sit in on the board of directors. Also included is funding to each Political Territorial Organization of whom each member First nation is afilliated with. These bands are:
- Pinaymootang -Total registered population as of Nov 2007, 1119 on-reserve and 1562-off-reserve.Total population of 2681.
- Little Saskatchewan-Total registered population as of Nov 2007, 614 On-reserve and 421 off-reserve. Total Population of 1035.
- Lake St Martin-Total registered Population as of Nov 2007, 1352 on-reserve and 736 off-reserve. Total population of 2086.
- Dauphin River-Total registered Population as of Nov 2007, 199 on-reserve and 84 off-reserve. Total Population of 283.
- Lake Manitoba-Total registered Population as of Nov 2007, 888 on-reserve and 819 0ff-reserve. Total Population of 1717.
- Peguis-Total registered Population as of Nov 2007, 3505 on- reserve and 4733 off-reserve. Total population of 8248.
- Jackhead-Total registered Population as of Nov 2007, 343 on reserve and 332 off-reserve. Total Population of 675.
Total membership of 15,725(8,038 on-reserve) within Interlake Reserve Tribal Council(s) members with approximately half residing off- reserve(7,687). The membership in this area is also under the mandate of the Southern Chiefs Organization and Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs and the Assembly of First Nations at the national level.
This is the first part of four to discuss per capita distributions within each First Nation membership based on population demographics within the Tribal Council area. Part two will include funding to each perspective band for the fiscal year 2006-2007 ending April 1. It will also include funding from the Province of Manitoba.