This Photo was taken in 1899 in the picture is Richard Wood House Sr, and wife and John Thompson Sr, and wife. Also included in the picture is the children of both families
Treaties are based on visions of our ancestors that carry the responsibilites in creating a legacy of inherent principles that flowed from the heartbeat of the lifegivers.
The water of our women and the sunshine symoblizes balance in all creation.
The grass grows as a symbol of the many that are unborn and the uniqueness they will all carry for future generations. The communal nature in which we will survive and thrive are based on inherent laws granted by the great creator.
Raised in Pinaymootang and raised by my grandparents Annacoot and Bella Shorting(nee Mclean) Grandaughter of Richard Woodhouse one of the signatories of Treaty 2.
Graduated from Red River College from Indigenous Governance Program and then attended the University of Winnipeg and studied Indigenous Governance and Sociology.